- surface emissivity
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English-russian astronautics dictionary. - M.: Military Publishing house. Compiled by F. P. Suprun, K. V. Shirokov. 1964.
English-russian astronautics dictionary. - M.: Military Publishing house. Compiled by F. P. Suprun, K. V. Shirokov. 1964.
surface emissivity — the relative emissive power of a body compared to that of an ideal blackbody. In other words, the fraction of thermal radiation emitted compared to the amount emitted if the body were a blackbody. By definition, a blackbody has a surface… … Mechanics glossary
emissivity — surface emissivity … Mechanics glossary
Emissivity — Em is*siv i*ty, n. Tendency to emission; comparative facility of emission, or rate at which emission takes place; specif. (Physics), the rate of emission of heat from a bounding surface per degree of temperature difference between the surface and … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
emissivity — [ē΄mi siv′ə tē, em΄isiv′ə tē] n. the relative ability of a surface to radiate energy as compared with that of an ideally black surface under the same conditions … English World dictionary
Emissivity — The emissivity of a material (usually written ε or e) is the relative ability of its surface to emit energy by radiation. It is the ratio of energy radiated by a particular material to energy radiated by a black body at the same temperature. A… … Wikipedia
emissivity — The giving off of heat rays; a perfect “black body” has an e. of 1, a highly polished metallic surface may have an e. as low as 0.02. * * * emis·siv·i·ty .em ə siv ət ē, .ē .mis iv n, pl ties the relative power of a surface to emit heat by… … Medical dictionary
emissivity — noun (plural ties) Date: 1880 the relative power of a surface to emit heat by radiation ; the ratio of the radiant energy emitted by a surface to that emitted by a blackbody at the same temperature … New Collegiate Dictionary
emissivity — /em euh siv i tee, ee meuh /, n. Thermodynamics. the ability of a surface to emit radiant energy compared to that of a black body at the same temperature and with the same area. [1875 80; EMISSIVE + ITY] * * * … Universalium
emissivity — noun The energy emitting propensity of a surface, usually measured at a specific wavelength … Wiktionary
Emissivity — The ratio of the radiant energy (heat) leaving (being emitted by) a surface to that of a black body at the same temperature and with the same area; expressed as a number between 0 and 1. *** The property of emitting radiation; possessed by… … Energy terms
emissivity — em•is•siv•i•ty [[t]ˌɛm əˈsɪv ɪ ti, ˈi mə [/t]] n. thr the ability of a surface to emit radiant energy compared to that of a black body at the same temperature and with the same area • Etymology: 1875–80 … From formal English to slang